0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 General Guidance |
  3 Breast Cancer HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide |
  4 Breast Cancer Logical Model |
  5 Breast Cancer Message Support Guidance |
  6 Colorectal Cancer HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide |
  7 Colorectal Cancer Logical Model |
  8 Colorectal Cancer Message Support Guidance |
  9 Lung Cancer HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide |
  10 Lung Cancer Logical Model |
  11 Lung Cancer Message Support Guidance |
  12 Prostate Cancer HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide |
  13 Prostate Cancer Logical Model |
  14 Prostate Cancer Message Support Guidance |
  16 D3.4 Standardization Suggestions |
  17 Artifacts Summary |
   17.1 INCISIVE FHIR Server CapabilityStatement |
   17.2 Observation-category-text |
   17.3 Observation-category-text-value-integer |
   17.4 Observation-component-code-value-boolean |
   17.5 Observation-component-code-value-integer |
   17.6 Observation-component-code-value-string |
   17.7 Observation-component-text |
   17.8 Observation-component-text-value-string |
   17.9 Observation-component-value-boolean |
   17.10 Observation-component-value-intenger |
   17.11 Observation-component-value-string |
   17.12 SearchParameter-DiagnosticReport-age-at-diagnosis |
   17.13 Adjuvant treatment Breast |
   17.14 Baseline imaging Breast |
   17.15 Baseline imaging Colorectal |
   17.16 Baseline imaging Lung |
   17.17 Baseline imaging Prostate |
   17.18 Baseline imaging result Breast |
   17.19 Baseline imaging result Colorectal |
   17.20 Baseline imaging result Lung |
   17.21 Boost Breast |
   17.22 Breast cancer type |
   17.23 ChemoImmunotherapy (CIT) Breast |
   17.24 ChemoImmunotherapy (CIT) Colorectal |
   17.25 ChemoImmunotherapy (CIT) Lung |
   17.26 Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) Breast |
   17.27 Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) Colorectal |
   17.28 Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) Lung |
   17.29 Chemotherapy (CTX) Breast |
   17.30 Chemotherapy (CTX) Colorectal |
   17.31 Chemotherapy (CTX) Lung |
   17.32 Clinical finding Breast |
   17.33 Clinical finding Prostate |
   17.34 Colorectal cancer type |
   17.35 Data Provider |
   17.36 Delivered dose LN [Gy] Colorectal |
   17.37 Delivered dose of RT |
   17.38 Delivered dose of RT - Whole Breast [Gy] Breast |
   17.39 Delivered dose of RT Lung |
   17.40 Delivered dose Rectum [Gy] Colorectal |
   17.41 Diagnosis report Breast |
   17.42 Diagnosis report Colorectal |
   17.43 Diagnosis report Lung |
   17.44 Diagnosis report Prostate |
   17.45 Histology - Mutations Breast |
   17.46 Histology - Mutations Colorectal |
   17.47 Histology - Mutations Lung |
   17.48 Histology - Mutations Prostate |
   17.49 Histopathology image details Breast |
   17.50 Histopathology image details Colorectal |
   17.51 Histopathology image details Lung |
   17.52 Histopathology image details Prostate |
   17.53 Hormone therapy (HT) Breast |
   17.54 Immune therapy (IT) Breast |
   17.55 Immune therapy (IT) Lung |
   17.56 Lab results Breast |
   17.57 Lab results Colorectal |
   17.58 Lab results Lung |
   17.59 Lab results Prostate |
   17.60 Lung cancer type |
   17.61 Lung nodes Lung |
   17.62 Lymph-node surgery Breast |
   17.63 Medical history Breast |
   17.64 Medical history Colorectal |
   17.65 Medical history Lung |
   17.66 Medical history Prostate |
   17.67 Medication |
   17.68 Metadata |
   17.69 Neoadjuvant treatment Breast |
   17.70 Neoadjuvant treatment Colorectal |
   17.71 Patient |
   17.72 Patient demographics Breast |
   17.73 Patient demographics Colorectal |
   17.74 Patient demographics Lung |
   17.75 Patient demographics Prostate |
   17.76 Post-operative control PSA 1 |
   17.77 Post-operative control PSA 2 |
   17.78 Post-operative control PSA 3 |
   17.79 Post-operative control PSA 4 |
   17.80 Post-operative control PSA 5 |
   17.81 Post-treatment surgery Colorectal |
   17.82 Post-treatment surgery Lung |
   17.83 Radiation therapy (RT) Breast |
   17.84 Radiation therapy (RT) Colorectal |
   17.85 Radiation therapy (RT) Lung |
   17.86 Smoker information Lung |
   17.87 Surgery Breast |
   17.88 Surgery Colorectal |
   17.89 Surgery Lung |
   17.90 Symptoms Breast |
   17.91 Symptoms Colorectal |
   17.92 Symptoms Lung |
   17.93 Symptoms Prostate |
   17.94 Targeted therapy (TT) Breast |
   17.95 Targeted therapy (TT) Lung |
   17.96 Timepoints imaging Breast |
   17.97 Timepoints imaging Colorectal |
   17.98 Timepoints imaging Lung |
   17.99 Timepoints imaging Prostate |
   17.100 Timepoints imaging result Lung |
   17.101 Treatment after follow-up Breast |
   17.102 Treatment Breast |
   17.103 Treatment Colorectal |
   17.104 Treatment Lung |
   17.105 Treatment Prostate |
   17.106 Treatment therapy Prostate |
   17.107 Tumor profile result Breast |
   17.108 Tumor profile result Colorectal |
   17.109 Tumor profile result Lung |
   17.110 Tumor profile result Prostate |
   17.111 Condition for Breast, Colorectal, Lung and Prostate cancer |
   17.112 DiagnosticReport for Breast, Colorectal, Lung and Prostate cancer |
   17.113 Observation for Breast cancer |
   17.114 Observation for Colorectal cancer |
   17.115 Observation for Lung cancer |
   17.116 Observation for Prostate cancer |
   17.117 Organization for Breast, Colorectal, Lung and Prostate cancer |
   17.118 Patient for Breast, Colorectal, Lung and Prostate cancer |
   17.119 Procedure for Breast cancer |
   17.120 Procedure for Lung and Colorectal cancer |
   17.121 Procedure for Prostate cancer |
   17.122 AgeAtDiagnosis |
   17.123 CurrentState |
   17.124 Ethnicity |
   17.125 Breast_Component_Codes |
   17.126 Cancer_Type_Codes |
   17.127 Colorectal_Component_Codes |
   17.128 Current_State_Codes |
   17.129 Ethnicity_Codes |
   17.130 IdentifierType |
   17.131 Label_Codes |
   17.132 Location_Codes |
   17.133 Lung_Component_Codes |
   17.134 Prostate_Component_Codes |
   17.135 Prostate_Treatment_Codes |
   17.136 Symptoms_and_Syndromes_Codes |
   17.137 Type_of_Procedure_Codes |
   17.138 Annotated_Dicom_files_Breast |
   17.139 Annotated_Dicom_files_Colorectal |
   17.140 Annotated_Dicom_files_Lung |
   17.141 Annotated_Dicom_files_Prostate |
   17.142 Associated_Features_Breast |
   17.143 Baseline_location_Breast |
   17.144 Borders_Lung |
   17.145 Breast_BIRADS_classification |
   17.146 Breast_Cancer_Type |
   17.147 Breast_composition |
   17.148 Breast_laterality |
   17.149 Calcifications_baseline_Breast |
   17.150 Calcifications_timepoints_Breast |
   17.151 CM_Baseline_Prostate |
   17.152 CN_Baseline_Prostate |
   17.153 Colorectal_Cancer_Type |
   17.154 CT_Baseline_Prostate |
   17.155 Current_State_Code_System |
   17.156 Distant_metastasis_location_baseline_Lung |
   17.157 Distant_metastasis_location_Breast |
   17.158 Distant_metastasis_location_Colorectal |
   17.159 Distant_metastasis_location_timepoints_Lung |
   17.160 Ethnicity_of_patient |
   17.161 INCISIVE_Data_Providers |
   17.162 Label_Biopsy |
   17.163 Label_Exam |
   17.164 Label_Timepoints |
   17.165 Label_Treatment |
   17.166 Laterality_Lung |
   17.167 Lobe_Lung |
   17.168 Localization_of_PIRADS_Prostate |
   17.169 Location_Colorectal |
   17.170 Location_for_rectal_cancer_Colorectal |
   17.171 Location_of_RT_Colorectal |
   17.172 Lung_Cancer_Type |
   17.173 Lung_nodules_location |
   17.174 Lymph_node_surgery_Breast |
   17.175 Mass_echo_pattern_Breast |
   17.176 Mass_Margin_Breast |
   17.177 Mass_orientation_Breast |
   17.178 Mass_Shape_Breast |
   17.179 Maximum_PIRADS_Prostate |
   17.180 Molecular_Subtype_Breast |
   17.181 MRI_type_baseline_Prostate |
   17.182 Parenchymal_enhancement_level_Breast |
   17.183 Parenchymal_enhancement_symmetry_Breast |
   17.184 PN_histology_mutations_Prostate |
   17.185 Posterior_features_Breast |
   17.186 Presence_of_foci_Breast |
   17.187 Pre_post_menopause_Breast |
   17.188 PT_histology_mutations_Prostate |
   17.189 Response_to_treatment_Breast |
   17.190 Response_to_treatment_Colorectal |
   17.191 Response_to_treatment_Lung |
   17.192 Response_to_treatment_Prostate |
   17.193 Side_of_tumor_Prostate |
   17.194 Smoker_Lung |
   17.195 Solidity_Lung |
   17.196 Symptoms_General_Info_Breast |
   17.197 Symptoms_General_Info_Prostate |
   17.198 Symptoms_Timepoints_Breast |
   17.199 Syndromes_Colorectal |
   17.200 Treatment_Prostate |
   17.201 Type_of_Biopsy_Breast |
   17.202 Type_of_Biopsy_Prostate |
   17.203 Type_of_Surgery_Breast |
   17.204 Type_of_Therapy_Prostate |
   17.205 Adjuvant treatment model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.206 Baseline imaging model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.207 Baseline imaging model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.208 Baseline imaging model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.209 Baseline imaging model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.210 Baseline imaging result model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.211 Baseline imaging result model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.212 Baseline imaging result model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.213 Boost model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.214 Breast cancer type model to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.215 ChemoImmunotherapy model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.216 ChemoImmunotherapy model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.217 ChemoImmunotherapy model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.218 Chemoradiotherapy model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.219 Chemoradiotherapy model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.220 Chemoradiotherapy model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.221 Chemotherapy model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.222 Chemotherapy model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.223 Chemotherapy model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.224 Clinical finding model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.225 Clinical finding model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.226 Colorectal cancer type model to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.227 Data Provider model to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.228 Delivered dose LN [Gy] model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.229 Delivered dose of RT - Whole Breast [Gy] model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.230 Delivered dose of RT model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.231 Delivered dose of RT model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.232 Delivered dose Rectum [Gy] model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.233 Diagnosis report model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.234 Diagnosis report model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.235 Diagnosis report model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.236 Diagnosis report model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.237 Histology - Mutations model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.238 Histology - Mutations model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.239 Histology - Mutations model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.240 Histology - Mutations model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.241 Histopathology image model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.242 Histopathology image model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.243 Histopathology image model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.244 Histopathology image model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.245 HormoneTherapy model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.246 HormoneTherapy model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.247 ImmuneTherapy model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.248 ImmuneTherapymodel of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.249 Lab results model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.250 Lab results model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.251 Lab results model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.252 Lab results model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.253 Lung cancer type model to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.254 Lung nodes model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.255 Lymph-node surgery model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.256 Medical history model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.257 Medical history model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.258 Medical history model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.259 Medical history model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.260 Medication model to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.261 Metadata model to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.262 Neoadjuvant treatment model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.263 Neoadjuvant treatment model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.264 Patient demographics model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.265 Patient demographics model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.266 Patient demographics model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.267 Patient demographics model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.268 Patient model to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.269 Post-operative control PSA 1 model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.270 Post-operative control PSA 2 model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.271 Post-operative control PSA 3 model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.272 Post-operative control PSA 4 model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.273 Post-operative control PSA 5 model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.274 Post-treatment surgery model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.275 Radiation therapy (RT) model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.276 Radiation therapy (RT) model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.277 Radiation therapy (RT) model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.278 Smoker information model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.279 Surgery model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.280 Surgery model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.281 Surgery model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.282 Symptoms model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.283 Symptoms model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.284 Symptoms model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.285 Symptoms model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.286 Targeted therapy (TT) model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.287 Targeted therapy (TT) model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.288 Timepoints imaging model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.289 Timepoints imaging model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.290 Timepoints imaging model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.291 Timepoints imaging model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.292 Timepoints imaging result model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.293 Treatment after follow-up model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.294 Treatment model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.295 Treatment model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.296 Treatment model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.297 Treatment model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.298 Treatment therapy model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.299 Tumor profile result model of Breast cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.300 Tumor profile result model of Colorectal cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.301 Tumor profile result model of Lung cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.302 Tumor profile result model of Prostate cancer to the FHIR Profile map |
   17.303 Breast-Cancer-Message-Bundle-Example |
   17.304 Colorectal-Cancer-Message-Bundle-Example |
   17.305 Lung-Cancer-Message-Bundle-Example |
   17.306 Prostate-Cancer-Message-Bundle-Example |